Cooperation - how to start

How to get an offer?
  1. Check our products portfolio. You can check it online on our web platform or download PDF catalogue here.
  2. Contact us by filling contact form below or direct message to one of our Export Managers.
  3. We will follow-up with our offer same or the next working day (We work Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00 CEST)
Ordering process
  1. After getting your order, we make company verification and sign basic selling-buying agreement.
  2. We issue proforma invoice, in the meantime we check best transport offer.
  3. Order is confirmed after getting deposit payment.
  4. Once goods are ready to load we ask for balance payment.
  5. We load and deliver the goods.

Get in touch with our sales team

Magdalena (Confectionery, Coffee, Others)
WhatsApp +48 786 193 333

Igor (Beverages and Beer)
WhatsApp +48 794 293 333
Szymon (Confectionery, Coffee, Others)
WhatsApp +48 574 836 666

Amelia (Beverages and Beer)
WhatsApp +48 575 197 888

Contact form

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