DABEX sp. z o.o. implements a project co-financed from the SILESIA'2020 Loan Fund run by Fundusz Górnośląski S.A. in Katowice in the form of a loan for the construction of a new warehouse with an office and social section located in Zawiercie at ul. Technologiczna
The purpose of the loan/project is the construction of a new warehouse hall with an office and social section located in Zawiercie at ul. Technologiczna (in the area of the Zawiercie Industrial and Technological Park) and its designation as a branch/registered office of the company, which will allow to expand the basic activity of the company (wholesale of food products) in terms of assortment and geographical area - to new - also foreign markets.
Nominal value of the aid: PLN 2,000,000.00
Gross aid value (state aid): PLN 344,681.65
Form of aid: preferential loan
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